Moving Sale!!!

If you’ve been following us since our formation, you’ve probably noticed we’ve been very quite on our social media accounts and cut back on the amount of advertising we put out for public consumption; well, just because we’ve been quite, it doesn’t mean we haven’t been busy! We’ve reached a point now where we don’t mind letting everyone know what’s been the cause of our silence.

Due to several considerations, both personal and business-related, we are moving to a new location. And, not just a new location, but a new location in a completely different State!

On the business side of things, we’ve outgrown our current location and will be moving to a location with a substantial amount of acreage (a lot more substantial than what we’ve been accustomed to, anyway)–this will allow us to expand our operations, focus a little more on the “Tactical” side of our company name, increase advertising and personnel options, and have room for future expansion. At some point in the future, we also hope to offer a refuge and a hand up to veterans who may need a temporary roof over their heads or just a place to go and get away from things for a while.

With the upcoming move, we’re holding a “Moving Sale” to sell all the current stock we have on hand while we have our new labels produced–and a new line of tea finalized (plus, we’re lazy and want to decrease the amount of things we have to move). Take advantage of these lower prices and stock up now!

NOTE: This sale is valid on our website only. Any order placed through Amazon will be the displayed price on that site.

From Blog

10 Evidence-Based Benefits of Green Tea

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